Uniting Christians Around the World
Uniting Christians Around the World
The impact of UCI has been immense since its inception. God has used UCI to empower Haitians and help many communities surrounding Caiman with church planting, irrigation, agriculture, high-quality education, clean water, sanitation, feeding malnourished children, and constructing houses for the people. UCI is not only uniting Christians in Caiman, but throughout the world through short-term missions and service projects.
In Caiman

A community once overshadowed by vodou and dominated by fear and hatred, is now a community working together as a result of the Gospel and pastoral training.

UCI has been meeting one of the greatest needs in Caiman by establishing nutrition centers that provide 3-4 meals a week for those that are malnourished.

UCI has been meeting the critical need for basic health care by establishing a clinic for the Caiman area that treats patients and trains students.

Community Improvement Projects
40% of Caiman residents have inadequate housing. UCI has already helped 200+ families build new homes and replaced 864 mud floors with concrete.
Around the World

Short-Term Missions
UCI invites groups and churches from around the world to take part in what God is doing in Haiti through short-term mission trips.

Service Projects
Through service projects, UCI seeks to provide means by which Haitians can become more self-sufficient and productive members of the community.