Pillars of Ministry
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, until the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:19-20

From ancient times, religion has had a great influence on a country’s culture, art, and ethnos. Vodou is a unique religion which has prevented Haiti from political, social, and economic growth. Its influence has devastated the country with its message that life is capricious and planning is futile, with high levels of social mistrust, insecurity, and fear.
UCI’s primary goal has always been to teach the Word of God. Through this ministry, many have turned to Christ and many churches in far-reaching communities have been planted as a result of UCI’s presence. Communities are being transformed from death to life, from despair to hope. UCI believes each local church is to instigate lasting, sustainable development. Only Christ can cure Haiti’s true problem - not poverty of material items - spiritual poverty.
3 Pillars of Ministry
The heart of UCI can be seen through its three pillars of ministry: Teaching the Word of God,
Equipping National Leaders, and Uniting Christians around the World.

Teaching the Words of God
UCI’s goal is to provide quality Chrisian education to rural areas, with a large emphasis on hiring certified teachers with a heart for the Lord. UCI provides a good learning environment and in all aspects of school, puts Christ at the center. These students are the future Christian leaders of Haiti.

Equipping National Leaders
UCI believes “Prayer, Care, and Share” is the best way to evangelize and disciple, with many ways to help transform a community for the better. When JeanJean & Kristie started in 2005, they didn't have any financial support, just a belief that God had called them to care for His children through education, nutrition, and community.

Uniting Christians Around the World
Since beginning UCI in 2005, the top priority was to share God’s Word. Through His blessings, His Word worked in the hearts of people who are lost in the fear and domination of vodou, UCI has over 1,800 students in school, and is building leaders who can tell others about Christ.