UCI's response to the current crisis in Haiti:

Food Relief--to the refugees from Port-au-Prince, the widows and orphans, and the people who are struggling to find food.

Education--we only want to provide relief for a short time and our goal is always towards development. During these difficult times, Christian education at all levels is the hope for a transformed community and country. We place an emphasis on providing quality education from preschool to university to develop Christian leaders

Church--God is at work; He never abandons us. We see Him working in these times and even see revival occurring. UCI wants to teach the Word to all who God puts in our path and at every opportunity.

Some sobering statistics of the situation in Haiti (March 2024)

> over 362,00 internally displaced families in Haiti
> UN reported millions in Haiti suffering from food insecurity; 44% of population facing acute hunger; hundreds dying each day from hunger
> 53% yearly food inflation rate
> 4,789 documented murders in 2023
> 26% of female population have been victims of rape

Celebrating 15 years of God's goodness (video)

Who We Are

JeanJean and Kristie Mompremier founded United Christians International (UCI) in 2003 and returned to JeanJean’s birthplace in 2005. UCI’s primary goal has always been to teach the Word of God. As a result, over 30 witch doctors have turned to Christ, churches have been planted in far-reaching communities, and communities have transformed from despair to hope.

Teaching. Equipping. Uniting.

Helping people know and experience God by teaching, equipping, and uniting.

The Words of God

Our goal is to provide quality Christian education to our rural areas, with a big emphasis on providing a safe and encouraging learning environment, resources, and hiring certified teachers with a heart for the Lord.

National Leaders

UCI continues to grow and meet the spiritual, medical, educational, and agricultural needs of the community, while touching the lives of Haitians through sharing, studying, and living out the Gospel.

Christians Around the World

God has used UCI to not only unite Christians in the surrounding 9 villages in Caiman, but throughout the world through short-term missions teams and service projects.

Ephesians 4:3-6

"Work hard to live together as one by the help of the Holy Spirit. Then there will be peace. There is one body and one Spirit. There is one hope in which you were called. There is one Lord and one faith and one baptism. There is one God. He is the Father of us all. He is over us all. He is the One working through us all. He is the One living in us all."

UCI Spotlight

Amazing!!! I love the song “I Thank God”. There is a part that says, ‘Hell lost another one, I am free’ and this is what these pictures are showing. There has been REVIVAL in Haiti! In our mountain church plant, Pastor Luckson has been preaching the Word and people are responding to God's truth. In March, 54 people were baptized and that included 9 former witchdoctors. Now there are 23 waiting to be baptized soon. Shown here are Pastor Luckson and his congregation burning away the trappings of a lost soul and singing ‘O what a [spiritual] war/army, we have the weapons, you can’t touch us!’ Another witch doctor has come running to Christ.

God is our banner (Ex 17:15) and we run to Him! He gives us spiritual weapons (Eph 6:10-20) and nothing can touch/hurt us (Luke 10:19).

Praise God for His greatness today!

University Student Spotlight

UCCC graduates bringing about transformation:

Dr. Samy (Samuel) Simon

Dr. Samy Simon had just started medical school in Port-au-Prince when the earthquake of 2010 hit. His school was destroyed. He came to our medical school at the very beginning. He was willing to take a chance on a brand new university. He persevered and graduated as a full-fledged doctor. Since then he even returned to the site of the 2021 earthquake to help as a first responder.

“From Hinche to Pignon there is no birthing center. There is only one dispensary, it is in Labelón. What is in place the state has put or is going to put to reduce the maternal mortality?

No hospital, no infrastructure and most health personnel are leaving the country for some reason.

This is the baby X that I helped her mother to give birth to. I'm on my way to work, I found her lying on the street screaming for help. She had only one sister with her while they were on a motorcycle to take them to Saint Thérèse Hinche hospital…

Well I proceeded to assist her to give birth on the street because they didn't have time to arrive at the hospital. It's a little girl who came to this world in this way and in this country. Praise God everything went well and I took them to Saint Thérèse for the follow up.

Please help me spread this message to the authorities of the country, maybe one day they will become conscious.

Let's let them know that: EVERY LIFE COUNTS”

UCCC graduates are changing the face of Haiti!