United Christians International began its ministry in 2005, with the top priority being to share God’s Word. Through God’s blessings, His Word is working and changing the hearts of people who are lost in the central plateau of Haiti.

Celebrating 15 years of God's goodness (video)

Who We Are

JeanJean and Kristie Mompremier founded United Christians International (UCI) in 2003 and returned to JeanJean’s birthplace in 2005. UCI’s primary goal has always been to teach the Word of God. As a result, over 30 witch doctors have turned to Christ, churches have been planted in far-reaching communities, and communities have transformed from despair to hope.

Teaching. Equipping. Uniting.

Helping people know and experience God by teaching, equipping, and uniting.

The Words of God

Our goal is to provide quality Christian education to our rural areas, with a big emphasis on providing a safe and encouraging learning environment, resources, and hiring certified teachers with a heart for the Lord.

National Leaders

UCI continues to grow and meet the spiritual, medical, educational, and agricultural needs of the community, while touching the lives of Haitians through sharing, studying, and living out the Gospel.

Christians Around the World

God has used UCI to not only unite Christians in the surrounding 9 villages in Caiman, but throughout the world through short-term missions teams and service projects.

Spotlight: Clearing Ground for the New Teaching Hospital

Our desire at United Christians International is to empower, equip, and mobilize the next generation of Haitians professionally and spiritually to transform their nation. UCI now has nutrition centers, a health center, schools, a Christian university, and is meeting the needs of the community - touching  lives through sharing, studying, and living out the Gospel. It is nothing short of a miracle what God has accomplished over the last 19 years. 

Our next big project is a fully-functioning Surgery Center to treat medical and spiritual needs. Churches and neighbors came from all over to help clear ground for the next phase of our Teaching Hospital.

Click here for more updates on the progress of the Teaching Hospital.

Haitian volunteer clearing ground for the new teaching hospital

Ephesians 4:3-6

"Work hard to live together as one by the help of the Holy Spirit. Then there will be peace. There is one body and one Spirit. There is one hope in which you were called. There is one Lord and one faith and one baptism. There is one God. He is the Father of us all. He is over us all. He is the One working through us all. He is the One living in us all."