Community Improvement Projects
UCI believes “Prayer, Care, and Share” is the best way to evangelize and disciple, with many ways in which we can help to transform a community for the better.
Many people in the community are living in substandard housing, and many homes house multiple families, because many younger families are unable to afford a home of their own. Houses of sticks and mud are common. The majority of homes have dirt floors, which pose serious health risks to the family. In almost every household, people need to sleep on the floor. When it rains, which it often does every day during the bi-annual rainy season, the dirt floor becomes mud.
Haitian homes are often left open for ventilation, and free-range animals can be seen inside the homes. The animal excrement, the dust and bacteria that the wind brings in, and other parasites can lead to harmful illnesses including up to 25% of their nutrition being taken away. The same problems are increased when a leaky tin or thatch roof is present. When the family has no latrine, they often use a small shallow hole that is often too close to the house, and which can be flooded and disturbed by animals. All these factors contribute to a loss of dignity as well as unhygienic living conditions.

As most homes in rural Haiti do not have indoor plumbing, or even a water source in the house, latrines are needed. Sadly, many homes are without this basic necessity, which leads to numerous health concerns.
Cement Floors
Living on a dirt floor increases the chance of contracting many illnesses, and greatly increases exposure to harmful parasites. Since malnutrition is already a problem, parasites complicate a child’s ability to develop well. The whole family suffers when rain causes the floor to become a muddy mess. Giving a family a cement floor is a wonderful way to bless them.

In 2018, UCI was blessed to receive a well-drilling rig. Since that time, HyVee Corporation has donated over $160k to drill wells in the Central Plateau of Haiti. We are pleased to report we have completed the 16 wells using the HyVee funds and have dug an additional 44 wells from private donations. This means 60 local villages now have clean water! The gift of providing clean drinking water for these communities has opened the door to share about the Living Water provided by Christ.
Please contact [email protected], or check out our Get Involved page to learn how you can support UCI financially or join us in our mission.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
~ James 1:27