University Graduates Can Change Haiti!

Graduation Universite Chretienne de la Communaute de Caiman - UCCC!!!

Look and marvel at what the Lord has done:

When UCI came to Caïman in 2005, there were 2 small houses, no running water, electricity, or telephones, and only goat paths—Now there is a Christian university!

There used to be vodou drums each weekend night— Now there are songs of praise!

There is violence and instability in many parts of the country—But here are students educated and dedicated to transforming Haiti!

God is to be praised!

Psalm 46:6-10“Nations tremble and kingdoms shake. God shouts and the earth crumbles. The Lord All-Powerful is with us; the God of Jacob is our defender. Selah Come and see what the Lord has done, the amazing things he has done on the earth. He stops wars everywhere on the earth. He breaks all bows and spears and burns up the chariots with fire. God says, "Be quiet and know that I am God. I will be supreme over all the nations; I will be supreme in the earth. "Thank you from these students. You gave them an opportunity to transform their lives and to initiate change in their country. It wouldn't have been possible without your generosity. Thank you for your support. 

If you desire to help a student, there are many on the waiting list for help to continue their studies. These scholarships remain a priority for UCI. Please contact me for any further information you need.[email protected].

University Student:

Agronomist Castro Saintelus

Hello. It is an undeserved privilege that God has given me to communicate with you. I am Saintélus Castro, I am a level three agronomy student, I am an Evangelist. I really enjoy working for God and talking about the greatness of God. My mother's name is Jean Jacques Catherine, she is a woman of courage; and it is with pride that I would like to say she is my mother and also my father because she plays both roles at the same time, since at the age of two my father abandoned me. I have two sisters and a little brother, I am the second child in my family. I really like agronomy, preaching. Agriculture is my passion. Thank you for your love and for your participation through my studies and through my life, may God bless you abundantly. THANKS

I attended the GLSx (Global Leadership Summit) conference at UCCC. This is a conference inspired me to start my own coffee business. I buy coffee sold in Haiti from local farmers, process it and package and sell it. I sell it at local businesses and online. I have already sold enough coffee to buy my own piece of land to grow sugar cane. Through hard work and trusting God, I see that I can be an entrepreneur. I give all the glory to God!

Translation of package:
My Coffee
Let's drink local products

University Graduate: LYGUINS JOSEPH

It is such a joy to have our graduates come back to visit. Lyguins entered the university in 2014 and graduated in 2019. He had a chance to travel to Turkey, but found it difficult to find work and a use for his talents. He returned to Haiti and opened a vocational school to train up agricultural technicians! Wow! He did this in his home town of Cerca-la-Source that is close to the D.R. border. Agriculture is not easy, but so needed. Starting a school is not easy, but is key to development. Lyguins brought his students on a field trip to show them where he got his education and the different agricultural projects that we have at UCI.  It is his hope that some of his students will continue their education at UCCC’s 5-year agronomy program.  It was a blessing to meet some of his students and hear their hearts to produce food with sustainable methods to benefit the country.  This is why we persist in education—these students are our vision.  We look around Haiti at all the violence and strife and feel discouragement, but when we look at each of the students, we know hope.

University Graduate: WILNER

A transformed life to a transformed community.

Ten years ago, UCI held a youth camp. The pastors that attended JeanJean's pastoral training for lay pastors all sent young men and women to attend this camp. A challenge was given to memorize Isaiah 41. Wilner is a young man from Laguamithe, a community deep in the mountains where there is no road access, no running water, and no electricity. When Wilner attended the camp he recited Isaiah 41 in Haitian Kreyol and that was impressive. But what really made an impression was that he then recited the entire chapter in English. He told us that he knew Americans were helping us with the camp and he wanted them to hear this challenge in their language, as well. We had asked him about his background and found out that he had finished high school the previous year. Due to financial reasons, however, he was unable to continue his studies. We felt strongly that a young man like this could help transform communities in Haiti. Two ladies from a very small church gave him this chance to attend our university which was in its 2nd year. He entered the medical program and today he is a licensed, practicing doctor.  

Many college students go to the bigger cities to try to find jobs, but Wilner couldn't forget about his home community. His home has 4 different communities that together have over 47,000 people. The nearest clinic to Laguamithe is a 12 hour walk through the mountains. Wilner is going to concentrate on community health to help his community. In October of 2023, Wilner and another classmate will go to Lagwamithe to serve as doctors as they open a health center. We praise the Lord!!!

Wilner, in talking about his vision for this health center said, "The Word of God will be #1 because life is divine; God is first." He also said, "It will be an honor to serve in my community as I had said that I would when I started university." Wilner and I want to thank you all for helping UCI bring about sustainable transformation to communities across the country through the university. I often refer to this as giving a 2nd chance to a nation that looks like it is finished and done. There is hope. God is the hope and His plans are to bring about transformed lives that can't help but affect the people around them.