In fulfilling the 2nd vision of equipping national leaders, we feel that quality education with a Christian motivation is key.
Education, especially in developing countries, is the avenue to progress and social mobility. It is the surest path to sustainable development, alleviation of poverty, economic growth and social equality. A holistic model of education is needed to ensure that students graduate with a trade or profession that is employable. Also, the only way that education will be used to benefit the family, the community, the country, and the world is if it is integrated with the Biblical approach of using our talents and skills to serve others. Therefore, Christian ideals are necessary for this model to work.
Competent teachers are necessary for the delivery of good education, but Haiti is unable to attract and retain qualified staff because of low wages. The results are high turnover and absentee rates, and migration to other countries.
Education is a necessary step in a sustainable reconstruction and development of the country. We believe these educated; Christian leaders are the hope for the future of Haiti. These students are the vision and hope for UCI and Haiti!
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