Jesus used a woman's basic need of water to share the gospel so she could be filled with eternal hope then bring more thirsty sheep to our loving Shepherd (John 4:28-30). The Lord has now been using our youth's basic need of play and fellowship to reveal the gospel and raise up a next generation of thirsty sheep in Haiti for His glory through a soccer school called CBL Academy. 

The seeds for CBL Academy started with humble beginnings in 2016 when God gave vision to a mission team to build a soccer field on the UCI property after the team witnessed the rough conditions the kids had been playing on. The Lord provided funds to build shortly after the trip with Pastor JeanJean and Kristie guiding along the way. After the field was built, the mission team came back that Summer to run a soccer camp with ~80 kids from around Caiman to teach, equip and unite young men, with soccer as a platform for leading them to Christ. As a side note, the field has since been used by a road building company to pave all around Caiman to solidify infrastructure and help meet more practical needs through God's perfect providence. 

Ever since that first camp in 2016, the camp has continued every Summer with thousands of youth attending from villages around the Central Plateau where the Holy Spirit has moved on 220+ hearts to give their lives to Christ and then be connected with local churches and given bibles to continue their discipleship while inspiring the community around them. 

As amazing as the camp has been, the mission team and local leaders started to sense a stirring in their spirit for uniting the youth beyond the camps to bring more kingdom light throughout the year, which led to the birth of CBL Academy in 2022. The Academy is a locally lead soccer school with official coaches that oversee 40+ players who practice, play games and pursue the Lord together on a weekly basis with the eventual hope of participating in Haiti's national league to be kingdom lights around Haiti and God willing, around the world.