Would you like to bless a child with a Christmas gift?
For those of you who may be new to this ministry, this is an opportunity to bless a child in Haiti with a gift for Christmas. When I first went to Haiti in 1996, it was shocking to me that Christmas was overshadowed by vodou activities in our community. Though the church preached the Biblical passages on Jesus's birth, there wasn't any sense of how amazing this event was. For over 15 years friends from North America have been sending gifts to show children in Haiti the love of the Father who sent His only Son to earth--FOR THEM! It is a wonderful opportunity for us to tell them the gospel message. I can't adequately explain what joy this brings to the children. Without these gifts, they would not receive anything, at all.
It's never too early to wish you a Joyeux Noel! Let me tell you, the kids in Haiti are already excited about Christmas!
If you want to be part of this program this year, please let me know how many pictures I can send to you. And if it doesn't work out, for whatever reason, we understand.

There is the option of sending the Christmas gifts via a container. We have found this to save money. We will have a container arriving in Alton, Iowa by October 15th that we will be packing with meals, supplies, and our Christmas gifts! We are asking that all items be delivered to the container by November 10th so that we can get the container to Haiti in time for Christmas!
Here is the drop-off address of the container:
1601 Commercial Dr
Alton, Iowa 51003
Please send all checks/donations to assist with shipping to:
UCI at P.O. Box 862, Cherokee, Iowa 51012
with "Christmas Shipping" noted in the memo
$15 per gift if utilizing the container
Ship to:
MFI @ Mompremier
3170 Airmans Dr; Unit 1072--UCI;
Fort Pierce, FL 34946)
$2.50/lb if sending gifts by mail.
Please contact Molly Paulsrud at [email protected] for questions and to arrange a delivery date and time.

Thank you for all that you do
to help the kids in Haiti.
In these troubled times, it is such a joy
to give this gift of hope.