Sports Ministry
Many times it is difficult to have youth be interested in attending church, but there are many that want to engage in sports. I can invite kids to come play volleyball and soccer and introduce them to Jesus. Sports is a great platform to share the gospel.
Soccer Ministry
Jesus used a woman's basic need of water to share the gospel so she could be filled with eternal hope then bring more thirsty sheep to our loving Shepherd (John 4:28-30). The Lord has now been using our youth's basic need of play and fellowship to reveal the gospel and raise up a next generation of thirsty sheep in Haiti for His glory through a soccer school called CBL Academy.

Volleyball Ministry
UCI’s Volleyball program started as a way to have fun with my own daughters in remote, rural Haiti. It became a way to teach kids of all ages about sports and healthy living. Since God gave us the mandate to teach His Word in all things, this developed into a sports ministry that was able to reach many children and youth. I can’t always convince the kids to come to church, but God gave me many opportunities to teach youth about Him on the court!